Saturday, February 27, 2010

Clogged Mind

It seems that I cant spit anything out into the world these days. I'm stuck. I'm clogged with so many thoughts and ideas, that it can't be expressed. My container is full, and the opening can only put out so much, if anything at all. But my ideas are so big, so epic, that its getting clogged at the opening. Ideas clashing to come out. The more I think, the bigger my ideas get. The more they fight to get out. My priorities are blown, and I aspire too much. I need to start off slowly, one thing at a time, baby steps. My creative juices are spoiled, and I need rejuvenation. It seems to keep the creative juices flowing with sweetness and tartness, I need to have things fluid, like water. Fluidity builds up momentum, that gets things unstuck, washing away excess waste. One thing at a time. One idea, to come out at its fullest, so the next one can do the same. Keeping the momentum going, making it fluid, will ensure a clear path, a clear mind.

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